\n"; echo "//--- Preload graphic images.\n"; echo "//\n"; echo "// you can address it through document.myImage or document.images['myImage'].\n"; echo "\n"; echo "// imgFile is an array object containing the URL names of the images\n"; echo "// imgScr is an array of Image objects\n"; echo "// the src property of imgSrc, imgSrc[i].src, is assigned the URL's from imgFile[i]\n"; echo "\n"; echo "///////////////////////////////////////////\n"; echo "///////////////////////////////////////////\n"; echo "\n"; echo "imgFile1 = new Array()\n"; echo "map_id='./$datestr/NAM.$field.$domain.';first_hour=00;fhr_incr=03;last_hour=72;millisec=250;\n"; echo "i=0\n"; echo "for(fhr=first_hour;fhr<=last_hour;fhr+=fhr_incr) {\n"; echo " i++\n"; echo " var cfhr=fhr\n"; echo " if (fhr < 10) {\n"; echo " cfhr='0'+fhr\n"; echo " }\n"; echo " imgFile1[i]=map_id+cfhr+'.gif'\n"; echo "}\n"; echo "imgFile2 = new Array()\n"; echo "map_id='./$datestr/GFS.$field.$domain.';first_hour=00;fhr_incr=03;last_hour=72;millisec=250;\n"; echo "i=0\n"; echo "for(fhr=first_hour;fhr<=last_hour;fhr+=fhr_incr) {\n"; echo " i++\n"; echo " var cfhr=fhr\n"; echo " if (fhr < 10) {\n"; echo " cfhr='0'+fhr\n"; echo " }\n"; echo " imgFile2[i]=map_id+cfhr+'.gif'\n"; echo "}\n"; echo "\n"; echo "///////////////////////////////////////////\n"; echo "///////////////////////////////////////////\n"; echo "\n"; echo "imgSrc1=new Array()\n"; echo "for(i=0;i\n"; ?>

Model Comparison

".date_format($date,"H")." UTC ".date_format($date,"D d M Y").""; ?>
\n"; echo "\t\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t
\n"; echo "\t\t
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\n"; echo "\t\t\n"; ?>